Sailability Mackay Inc.
ABN 46 686 217 150
Sailability Mackay is an incorporated association under Queensland law
We are a not-for-profit charity registered with the ACNC
As Sailability Mackay is a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) for income tax, your gift of $2 or more is taxable deductible and may be made to our bank account: Westpac Mackay BSB 034 195 Account 886 141
We are affiliated with Sailability Queensland Inc., our founding sponsor
Donations of your container refunds may be made to our
Containers for Change account: C 10122649
Sailability Mackay pays no commissions or wages
Postal Address:
7 Fuelling St Chapel Hill Q 4069
Our Objects
The objects of the association are:
(1) To provide people with disability the opportunity to participate in the sport of sailing and other on-water activities in a safe and supportive environment.
(2) To liaise with Sailability Queensland Inc., service clubs, charitable institutions, government agencies and other sporting bodies to further the aims of the association.
(3) To implement fundraising and/or sponsorship activities to maintain the viability of the association.