We'd like you to take a few moments to read about the difference you can make as a volunteer with us at Sailability Mackay. Membership is free.
Sailability provides an outlet for on-water activities, particularly sailing, for people with disability of all ages. Our reward can be seen in the smiles on our sailors as they zip around the marina in our specially designed dinghies.
Volunteering takes on many roles. You could be involved with,
administration, things like record keeping, booking registrations and coordinating the sailing program
assisting on the dock, also in launching and retrieving dinghies
skippering our dinghies or support boat or as crew
acting as officer in charge of activities on a sailing day, and
helping out with maintenance of boats and equipment
You do not need experience as training will be provided. You will need to be eligible for a blue card, and if you are to skipper the support boat a recreational marine driver's licence.
If you think Sailability Mackay might be for you then contact us and we'll be in touch.